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VAE > Project

Monitoring of Coastal Vulnerability and Coastal Change Trends in West Africa

The eoworld project in West Africa provided important assessment of the vulnerability of West African coastal areas to climate change and erosion. The chosen test sites were located in Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Gambia, Cotonou (Benin) coastline and Lagos (Nigeria). The assessment included analysis of past changes (10 to 20 years) due to erosion (coastal change maps) and changes in sea level height.

Technical Officer: Gordon Campbell

Starting Date: 2011-01-01

Collecte Localisation Satellites as supplier - prime
GeoVille Information Systems GmbH as supplier - sub

World Bank as user - buyer
World Bank Country Office in Dakar as user - partner/collaborator
World Bank Country Office in Lusaka as user - partner/collaborator

coastal bathymetry and coastline mapping (Coastal Zone Management)
ocean analysis and forecast: sea level height (Marine Environment Management)
ocean analysis and forecast: sea surface currents (Marine Environment Management)